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Wednesday, 23 October 2013 17:05


Indoor+7 Indoor+7
Za kućne mačke starije od 10 godina

Pomaže u održavanju zdravlja starije mačke koja živi u zatvorenom prostoru.

Helps to maintain vitality with age thanks to a combination of anti-oxidants. Reduced levels of phosphorus and sodium help to maintain kidney function, while glucosamine, chondroitin and Omega 3 help ensure mobility.

Available in 400g, 1.5kg and 3.5 kg

View Indoor Mature PDF PDF

Reduced Faecal Smell
Reduces faecal smell

Achieved with a high L.I.P protein content which reduces fermentable residues in the intestine.
Sensitive Teeth and Gums
Sensitive teeth and gums

Adapted to the teeth of cats over the age of 10, with softer and more palatable kibbles to make up for the cat's loss of appetite.


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