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Wednesday, 23 October 2013 17:03

Indoor Longhair 35

Indoor Longhair 35 Indoor Longhair 35
Hrana za dugodlake mačke do 10 godina starosti koje žive u zatvorenom prostoru
Izbacivanje Hairball Reduction
Improves digestive transit and the elimination of hairballs thanks to an exclusive combination of fibres including soluble and insoluble fibres.

Available in 400g, 2kg, 4kg and 10kg

Indoor Long Hair 35 PDF PDF

Coat Shine and Beauty
Coat shine and beauty

Indoor Long Hair enhances the coat's natural colour intensity by means of an exclusive complex of nutrients.
Reduced Faecal Smell
Reduces faecal smell

Thanks to a high L.I.P protein content, which reduces amounts of fermentable residues in the intestine.
Read 44832 times
More in this category: « Indoor 27 Indoor+7 »

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